Hi all, Gabe here!
This month we are talking about teeth. Pearly whites. Chompers. Whatever you choose to call them, they're really important to my furry friends' health!!
We know that you humans brush your teeth at least twice a day, and get dental check ups every 6 months. We also know that most dogs and cats aren't overly tolerant of teeth brushing, so our dental health becomes a bit more challenging. Even if your pet is chewing on dental treats, or you are using a dental water additive, your pet still may need a professional dental cleaning. What's a professional dental cleaning? Why does your pet need it? Lucky for you, my mom has given me some pretty interesting information to answer both of those questions!
First, lets talk about why your cat or dog might need a dental cleaning. Did you know that there is a TON of bacteria living in our mouths? No, really. This bacteria can cause really scary health problems depending on how long it stays in our mouths. These issues can be as simple as bad breath, and range up to heart and kidney problems. We frequently see pets needing dental care when they are already having trouble eating or drooling excessively, which we know is really painful and uncomfortable. Approximately 85% of pets over the age of 4 have some stage of periodontal disease, which is graded between 1 and 4. Dr Ray and Dr Merrick are able to look in your pets mouth and give you an idea of the grade they suspect. We even have picture report cards!
What goes into a professional dental cleaning? Well, it does involve anesthesia. In order for my mom's team to be able to effectively remove tartar and potentially remove really unhealthy teeth, cats and dogs must be sedated. You know when you go to the dentist and they scrape and polish? That's what happens when pets get their teeth cleaned. Before they go into surgery, Dr Ray's staff runs bloodwork for the pet just to make sure that everything on the inside is working properly. Once they are cleared for anesthesia, the girls place an IV catheter and get to work cleaning! They take before and after pictures so you can really see the difference, and call you when your pet wakes up to let you know how everything went.
I hope I was able to answer some questions for you, but if you have more concerns don't hesitate to call or come in to the clinic. The staff would love to talk to you about how we can make dental health more routine and enjoyable for your pet.
Since February is Pet Dental Health month, Dr Ray and Dr Merrick are able to offer some discounts for the cleaning. Make sure to come in and see them soon for your personalized treatment plan!
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